I am wanting to push pause....it's going too fast!!
The boys started daycare 2 (1/2 days) days a week today. I am trying to make the transition easier if I happen to find a teaching job.It was so hard! I took them last week to look around and meet their teachers and they were cool with it. They are supposed to wear underwear when they come to help with potty training. It was just a lot of newness in one day. Harrison cried when I left and I cried for the rest of the day. When I picked them up, they had on shirts and pull-ups :( They were just too nervous. The teacher was unsure of who was who which really made me cry all the way home. So I'm pulling my self up and saying I know it's a transition and this too shall pass and all the other great things Joel and my Mom tell me but my heavens this is hard! I'm not giving up, we will try again on Thurs and then the week after that and so on. One day we will laugh and that is why I blog....
Mawmaw and Pawpaw bought these boys their first fishing pole and I tell you Hudson can cast (right terminology?) it so well and reel it in like he's fighting a shark. I try to video tape it but he points the pole at me and says, "No, put it up mama!" and I will say, "Please Huddy, you are so good at it!?" and he says sternly, "No, NO!" So I have no documentation but I tell you he's a natural.
I had my 10 year reunion and we had a family lunch at the school Saturday, the kids preferred to play under and on the tables.
Out in the courtyard, it was really cool walking around with your high school friends and all of our kids looking at old State Champ pictures of our generation and retired jerseys in the halls of our friends.

The introduction.....

Harrison took all the string out of his and now prefers his football again.
Uuhhhh...what language is this? I didn't know you spoke Hrrisosrio...