Sunday, June 20, 2010

Joel is....

My boy's hero, A great example for our children, My best friend, Mr. Fix-it (or rig-it I should say), Lawn Mower ride operator, Can carry two 2-year olds with no problem, Can reach anything in the highest of places, Always knows where the cheapest gas is and will pump it for me, Loves to go to church, Sings "Good Morning Beautiful, How was your night...." to me some mornings, Hard worker, Dog trainer, My safety net, Always let's the boys "help", Great fire-builder, Snake avenger, Comedian, My handsome date, My husband, Daddy, Son, Son-in-law, Grandson, Uncle, Student, Physical Therapist.....

Happy Father's Day, we love you with all of our hearts! Amanda, Harrison, Hudson and Charlie.