Ok I'm not going to say it out loud....but Hudson has not worn a diaper in 5 days (except to sleep in at night). So maybe one down and one to go?? It is HOTT and we have either been in the A/C or in the baby pool. I recently bought a new ice cream maker from my #1 store Sam's and it is so easy. All I have to do is turn on the switch, no ice, no salt, which has made making ice cream a practical thing to do a couple nights a week. Flavors we have had are Orange Dreamsicle, Cookies and Cream and Blueberry Sherbet....so good and fresh! One great thing about living in the South where people farm for hobby....we get fresh fruit and vegetables all Summer because everyone has too much and they love to share their crop! Pawpaw makes sure we always have a plentiful supply of cucumbers, squash, peppers, okra, watermelon, and cantaloupe (tomatoes if we have company but we don't request those much). Our neighbor has a beautiful plum tree and lets us pick as much as we want. Joel's buddy Clark and his Dad have a large garden and always brings us a "mess" of corn, this year he shucked it for us!! Thanks Clark!
Clark and Joel looking at the pretty corn
Pawpaw brought a watermelon
They love it!

I ran over the end of the pump and this bothered Harrison.....bad

He will ALWAYS stop and shoot me a smile for the camera :)
Yay for Huddy! And yay for corn- tell him to send us some too ;) Oh, and I love the new blog layout.